Portrait Sessions

Portrait photography is about capturing the essence, personality, identity and attitude of a person utilizing backgrounds, lighting (natural or strobe) and posing.

There are various styles of portrait photography; however, we focus on:

- Traditional Portraits

- Lifestyle Portraits

- Urban Portraits

See below for more information.


A traditional portrait often has the subject looking straight at the camera in a posed position. These types of portraits are usually shot within a studio with the help of studio lighting, prepared background, and cropped at the head and shoulders.

We do not believe in limiting ourselves, or our clients, to the confines of a studio environment. We're all about creating moods that project emotion and feelings in your finished results.


Lifestyle portraits essentially encompasses capturing people in their everyday environment or an environment that makes them happy.


Urban portraits, for us, places emphasis on local architecture, designs, murals, and attractions while having the client remain the subject of the photograph. What better way to capture your favorite place and environment. San Antonio is filled with beauty and design. Let's discover the city and its alluring charm.